德国开元华人社区 开元周游
标题: 跨国药企招聘财务主管(可半职/法兰克福附近/尽快入职) [打印本页]
作者: ky_4b8dd3709 时间: 18.8.2022 08:45
标题: 跨国药企招聘财务主管(可半职/法兰克福附近/尽快入职)
财务主管(可半职)Finance Supervisor (part-time)
工作地点 Friedrichsdorf 美因河畔法兰克福附近
- 与德国当地、中国总部的财务团队以及当地的税务顾问紧密合作,确保财务、成本和损益报告和申报文件的顺利运作和支持;积极参加财务和税务审计
- 根据日常交易更新财务电子表格。处理**,缴税,并支持工资发放。
- 管理、监督和核对应付账款和应收账款,和客户、供应商和合作伙伴沟通
- 成本管理和控制;在预测和预算准备期间提供支持,发现差异,协助成本管控
- 根据需要协助制作分析数据、报告和信函
- 确保部门的文件和档案得到维护,并根据需要进行更新
- 商业、会计或相关领域的学士学位
- 有3年以上会计和财务背景的工作经验
- 对德国财政和税收法律,以及记账程序和原则有一定了解
- 熟悉会计软件(如DATEV或SAP)
- 具有详细的财务报告和数据分析的工作知识
- 优秀的沟通、研究、解决问题、时间管理和组织能力、注重细节
- 流利的德语、英语、中文
- 立刻入职
- 与充满活力和跨职能的全球团队一起工作
- 灵活的工作时间
- 有吸引力的条件和广泛的员工福利
请将简历寄至 finance@huahaipharm.eu
HuahaiPharma Europe GmbH is the German subsidiary of Zhejiang Huahai PharmaceuticalsCo. Ltd., a listed pharma company on Shanghai stock-exchange market with theaim to be an active part of the European healthcare systems. We are fosteringcollaborations with local business partners and health authorities to benefitpatients with high-quality and accessible products. We are looking for acommitted and motivated employee as:
Finance Supervisor (part-time)
Place of work: Friedrichsdorf,near Frankfurt am Main
- Workclosely with the finance teams in Germany (local), China (head office), as wellas with the local tax consultant to ensure smooth operations and support forthe financial, costs and P&L reporting and filing documents; Participateactively in financial and tax audits.
- Updatefinancial spreadsheets with daily transactions. Processing invoices, tax payments,and support payroll.
- Manage,monitor, and reconcile accounts payable and accounts receivable, follow up withclients, suppliers, and partners
- Costsmanagement and controlling; Provide support during forecasts and budgetpreparation, detect variances, assess the management on costs-efficacyopportunities,
- Assistin the production of analytics data, reports and correspondence as required
- Ensurethat departmental documents and files are maintained and updated as needed.
- Bachelor’sDegree in business, accounting, or related field
- >3years working experience with accounting and controlling background
- Workingknowledge of German finance and tax laws, and bookkeeping procedures andprinciples.
- Familiarity with accounting software (like DATEV or SAP)
- Workingknowledge of detailed financial reporting and data analysis,
- Excellentcommunication, research, problem-solving, time management and organizational skills. Attention to detail, withability to detect numerical errors
- Fluentin German, English and Mandarin.
What you can expect from us:
- immediate emplyeement
- Workingwith dynamic and cross-functional global teams
- Flexibleworking time
- Attractiveconditions and extensive staff benefits.
Please send CV to: finance@huahaipharm.eu
作者: ky_4b8dd3709 时间: 29.8.2022 12:11
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