德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: 柏林工业大学-Chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology 65%研... [打印本页]

作者: tina_007    时间: 11.2.2020 19:09
标题: 柏林工业大学-Chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology 65%研...

柏林工业大学-Chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology
联系人:Prof. Dr. Vera Susanne Rotter,info@circulareconomy.tu-berlin.de
        Oliver Larsen, oliver.larsen@tu-berlin.de
        Zheng Yang, zheng.yang@campus.tu-berlin.de
Work­ing field:
Con­duct­ing stake­holder ana­lyses in the frame of cir­cu­lar eco­nomy (e.g. for organ­iz­a­tional mater­ial flows)
Plan­ning, imple­ment­a­tion and eval­u­ation of mater­ial flow ana­lyses in an urban or rural con­texts in Taizhou, China
Devel­op­ment of sus­tain­able cir­cu­lar devel­op­ment paths for selec­ted case stud­ies (e.g. for an orange farm or an organic farm)
Super­vi­sion of Bach­elor and Mas­ter theses
Coordin­a­tion and admin­is­trat­ive sup­port for a work pack­age
Pro­ject work in a col­lab­or­at­ive pro­ject with sev­eral pro­ject part­ners
Suc­cess­fully com­pleted uni­versity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or equi­val­ent) in a suit­able dis­cip­line
Proven in-depth know­ledge in fol­low­ing fields:
o Waste man­age­ment and mater­ial flow man­age­ment
o Espe­cially in the areas of organic and agri­cul­tural residues
High pro­fi­ciency in Eng­lish (C1); good com­mand of Ger­man required; will­ing­ness to learn Ger­man is expec­ted
Hav­ing stud­ied in the field of envir­on­mental sci­ences
Know­ledge in the field of soil, agri­cul­tural pro­duc­tion, use of bioen­ergy
Know­ledge of China and the Chinese lan­guage
Exper­i­ence in col­lab­or­at­ive pro­jects

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