How to answer foreigners' sb questions
热度 4已有 1369 次阅读3.11.2009 17:39
How to answer foreigners' sb questions
(For Entertainment Purpose ONLY!)
Stand answers for Q&As of China
Q: Do Chinese eat dogs?
A: Yes.We eat a lot of dogs. And cats,too. Especially on your "Thanks
giving" day. Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets. We regard turkeys
as human's best friends. In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys.
Q: China is becoming strong. Does your government want to take over the world?
A: Yes, absolutely. As soon as we become powerful, we will invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
Q: Why doesn't your government give Tibet back to its monks?
A: Because the monks want to help the Seminoles take back Florida.
Q: Are the products made in China very cheap?
A: Yes. If we were using black slaves, the price would be even cheaper.
Q: You have 1.4 billion people. Now what do you want to do with it?
A: Find a new planet. Kill the native people there, and move in.
Q: Why are you the only kids in your family?
A: Because our parents don't fuck with everybody.