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已有 79 次阅读9.4.2009 06:02 |







    Brief introduction to PHE International Youth Painting and Calligraphy Contest

    PHE International Youth Painting and Calligraphy Contest, a big art education movement, was held by national art education group China Art Education Promotion Committee. Theme of the movement is “peace, health, environmental protection” (PHE for short), focus problems all human beings care about. It includes contest, exhibition, meeting, forum, summer camp and art performance added for fun. It will show spirit of native and foreign youth fine arts education movements comprehensively, take orientation and promotion of youth, children fine arts education with justice, authority and responsibility, and empower newer, broader and more active social significance to fine arts education.

    After it kicked off, a lot of resources were integrated to hold a series of effective movements with care and support from the whole society and endeavor of all colleagues of organizing committee of the Contest. It won great responses from all over the world and obtained active responses and warm supports from teachers and students all over China and wide praise from the whole society. It was praised as big international art education movement with “right direction, standard operation, big scale and far-reaching impact”. Many native and foreign senior experts from UNESCO, UNCF, and foreign ambassadors in China joined in the movements in person for many times. Many of them left words or signatures to praise the movements highly.

    Since 2004, excellent artworks of every conference were printed on the New Year Card of United Nations Children’s Fund and 12 works were chosen for a global distribution by now.

    With right idea and far-reaching impact, the Contest coincided with China present reform direction of education socialization and evolved into international brand movement of youth, children fine arts education.

    Theme: peace, health, environmental protection
    Slogan: love peace, pursue health and uphold environmental protection
    Tenet: improve children art makings and form children’s perfect personality

    Operation mode: movement as brand, education personalization, operation marketization and goal internationalization


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