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Classification of blood pressure

已有 66 次阅读19.11.2010 09:34 |


Mercury column sphygmomanometer with commonly used wall type blood pressure monitor, Standing type blood pressure monitor and Palm Type sphygmomanometer, Automatic digital blood pressure montor barometer of three.

Generally believed that the mercury column sphygmomanometer high accuracy and stability, but requires the use of a stethoscope to listen for the sound with the digital blood pressure monitor measurement of blood pressure, so the high technical requirements of the user, if the technology is not in place, improper operation FULLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRONIC BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR, it is easy so that the blood pressure measured errors. Mercury column sphygmomanometer is currently based in hospitals.Mercurial-Free TYPE

Electronic device looks compact and easy to carry, clear display, heart rate, blood pressure measurement at one time; and generally does not require much maintenance LCD display stand type sphygmomanometer, as long as attention usually do not beat, not cleaning the bathroom can be, and light display wall type sphygmomanometer therefore more suitable for general home use. Now commercially available, such as electronic WRIST-TYPE blood pressure monitor according to measurement location can be divided Desk type Mercury-free sphygmomanometer into wrist and arm type; such as by way of measurement can be divided into automatic and semi-automatic type .

Wrist type digital blood pressure monitor (also known as aneroid manometer) shaped like a watch, is the first mechanical movement with the table to represent the blood pressure readings. The rest of this timing belts blood pressure monitor Palm Type sphygmomanometer mercury column is basically the same, but its not as good as the accuracy of the mercury column sphygmomanometer. Oszilloskope Bag Making Machine oximeter shanghai escort Rosetta Stone.....more

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