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political commissar drives police car drunk with hookers, crashes and dies

热度 1已有 951 次阅读2.9.2010 18:57 |个人分类:news|

(Taobao Finance) Recently, an “explosive” news which the Public Security Bureau could not lock away spread through the streets of Wen County in Henan Province. About 10 days ago, on August 17, the Public Security Bureau deputy political commissar of Wen County, Henan Province Fan Yongxiang (范永祥) drove his police car and took 4 escort girls (小姐 Xiaojie: sex workers) to go to Xiuwu for fun. He drank a lot of alcohol during dinner, and was hugging a girl on his left and grabbing another with his right arm while driving. In the end the police car crashed into a tree, Fan Yongxiang was killed instantly, and one of the girls was severely injured and later died after failed rescue attempt.

After this ugly incident broke out, the Public Security Bureau tried to block the news from spreading, however in the end it still did, like an earthquake, made so much noise among the people of Wen County. The news even traveled with many versions of the death of the commissar. People are shocked and all are talking about the following..

1. What does the Public Security Bureau really do? Are they fatheads (slang: rice containers) or whoremongers? Police had 5 rules, one of which was forbidden to drink (on the job), but this guy had a lot of alcohol. And now the whole country is “sweeping the yellow” (cracking down on pornography and prostitution), but this brother dare to take 4 hookers out for fun, isn’t this committing the crime “against the wind”? People say this man only had this “hobby” when alive, visiting prostitutes, doing everything…

2. Can police car be used personally? Police car, the name suggests should be used for policing. If Yongxiang did not drive the police car around for his personal use, he probably would not have had such a tragic death.

3. Whom is the law really made to enforce? What a shame for the Public Security Bureau deputy political commissar to committee the crime of drinking and driving.

4. Who is supervising the corrupted officials? As the Public Security Bureau’s senior leader, he should strictly follow the law and regulations to set a good example for the subordinates. How can scum like him help improving ?


what do you think about this case?????


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