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Jumping between depression and desperation

热度 3已有 546 次阅读9.2.2010 04:14 |个人分类:Incopetent Banzhus|

It seems that the Depressing Summer stayed up the whole night,well, partially maybe, waiting for my new blog post, which might feed her painful excitment back. I have no idea.
The interesting thing to me is that how she came over my space and leaving environment-unfriendly chunky words with 0 logic. For real commenting, I ll give a "weirdo" and for being mean and sarcastic, I'd flatter her being awesome in writing.
In a way, what do you expect from a narcissistic girl and spoiled child that having not really spent any time improving her brain and never studying in college hard aiming to gain a little civilized human wisdom since she has put all her eggs of time in the only basket of making up the face and showing it off on the web, well, for ages.
I wonder the meaning of overseas education in the case of this depressing 0 logic young lady, who has been fighting hard with her autism and exhibitionism,which her huge desire of vanity and narcissism still not got fulfilled.
Chinese describe exhibitionism and annoying people by calling them "Tiao Liang Xiao Chou",which means a jumping clown annoying in public, this is a rather similar image in the Depressing Summer's case, you see how heavily her face has been colored and the only difference is that her size is much bigger than a Xiaochou's.

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回复 行走城市的猫 9.2.2010 09:50
she is not whom u described. She is a cute girl who really has her own voice. Btw, she looks also very beautiful in all of her pictures. i enjoy her post quite well.
everybody has his own judgement about beauty. Doesn't it?
回复 In维姬ble 9.2.2010 09:52
Hi~~~猫姐,thanks for sharing your feelings about her.
回复 nilef 10.2.2010 10:03
in Fiji beauty is fat. do not be concerned too much about other people's judgement or you will be exhausted.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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